SQA Services
Test Automation
Infobahn’s proficiency includes test automation for products and applications across multiple domains. Our expertise ranges from the usage of different testing tools (like Selenium, Appium, etc.) to developing custom automation tools.
We also offer our GAINS Automation Platform, which assists with test automation coverage and reduces QA costs by up to 40%. Complexity, upfront investment costs, limited resource availability, and ongoing maintenance are all seen as inhibitors to achieving robust and repeatable test automation coverage at a lot of customers. GAINS enables software testing to keep pace with Agile, DevOps, Continuous Integration, and Deployment cycles and dramatically improves testing efficiency and accuracy.
- Enable Progressive (In-Sprint) Test Automation – Though reduced test creation effort (marked improvement of 5x), increased script re-use and TDD/BDD methods.
- Multi-locator Support – Enable the use of a single script across all Web and Mobile OS platforms.
- Dramatically shortens cycle time, in some cases from weeks to days.
- Reduces defects by up to 80%.
- Enhanced Management Intelligence – Through advanced reporting capabilities, as well as integration with GAINS Predictive Analytics
- Powerful Integrations – Support all existing code management and automation tools:
- DevOps tools including Jenkins, and ALM tools such as Rally, HP ALM/Quality Centre, JIRA, and Microsoft TFS
- Web Services including Soap UI, REST, and Cloud Platforms such as Amazon Device Cloud and Saucelabs.
- Unifying Capabilities – Provides a consolidated platform for existing, fragmented automation frameworks, and sanitizes test data from other systems for test execution.

We offer end-to-end Software Testing services for over 2 decades.
We specialize in providing application testing solutions & setting up
Testing Center of Excellence (CoE’s)
Our QA services include:
- Test Automation
- Functional Testing
- Load & Performance Testing
- Mobile app testing
- Usability Testing
- Security testing
- Compatibility Testing